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Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Planning decisions in NOTL too often favour developers

LETTER: Planning decisions in NOTL too often favour developers

'I hope present day planning staff is paying close attention to the OLT decision on Rand,' writes reader Stewart Hall.
LETTER: Resident left frustrated after recent council meeting

LETTER: Resident left frustrated after recent council meeting

Reader asks for "transparency and honesty"
LETTER: No matter what

LETTER: No matter what

Terry Fox run organizer thanks community
LETTER: Lakeshore rumble strips 'downright dangerous' to vulnerable road users

LETTER: Lakeshore rumble strips 'downright dangerous' to vulnerable road users

'I’ve witnessed tourists—unfamiliar with the area—struggle and react unpredictably to these invisible hazards,' a reader writes
LETTER: Queenston doesn't count

LETTER: Queenston doesn't count

Resident frustrated with town's response to rainwater drainage issue
LETTER: Setting record straight on rights of appeal

LETTER: Setting record straight on rights of appeal

'Council can revisit and change the decision by a 2/3 majority vote', reader says
LETTER: Council needs a moratorium on all building projects

LETTER: Council needs a moratorium on all building projects

'Local citizens have loudly voiced their objections to many of the proposals - supported by well researched documentation - while ill-conceived decisions, based on weak and creative wordsmithing, are pushing the developments through'
LETTER: Niagara-on-the-Lake does need a high school

LETTER: Niagara-on-the-Lake does need a high school

'I want my kids to have the same sense of community and belonging that I felt at NDSS,' writes reader now raising her family in Niagara Falls.
Dear Councillor: Please say no to town destruction

Dear Councillor: Please say no to town destruction

Wayne Murray's letter is one of several received by The Local urging councillors to vote no to the Parliament Oak hotel property, because it will lead to others.
LETTER: Will one more councillor decide to listen to the concerns of residents?

LETTER: Will one more councillor decide to listen to the concerns of residents?

The NOTL Local welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via our website at