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LETTER: 'Queen Street plan is another inappropriate request'

'We will not tire of the fight to keep our community from being clumsily urbanized into a watered-down version of itself,' says reader
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The NOTLLocal received the following letter to the editor from Matt Hurlburt who expresses concern about the town’s 228 Queen Street development plan.

The residents of NOTL are once again called on to defend the Town’s heritage, culture and livability from a developer who disregards all of this with a view to optimizing personal profit and detracting from the town.

The 228 Queen Street development plan is yet another, in a string of these obviously inappropriate requests. It appears that developers are simply inundating the Town and its residents with a wave of applications for non-conforming development in the hope that fatigue will set in and townspeople will grow tired of defending our home.

Thankfully, all evidence suggests that this will never happen. Our community is too strong and too committed. We share a common purpose, to build, sustain and preserve our special community.

We will not tire of the fight to keep our community from being clumsily urbanized into a watered-down version of itself.

– Matt Hurlburt