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Local Entertainment

Local musician happy to be playing before live audiences

Local musician happy to be playing before live audiences

Steve Goldberger is in his studio playing guitar, something most fans don’t get to see very often.
Learn the history of the railway through virtual lecture

Learn the history of the railway through virtual lecture

In a 1901 photo taken from King Street, a train is about to depart with the Duke and Duchess of York, who would later become King George V and Queen Mary.
Botos to play with trio, special guest vocalist

Botos to play with trio, special guest vocalist

Robi Botos, who recently moved from Toronto to NOTL, will be playing in two performances at the FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre, this Saturday, Nov. 13, and next Friday, Nov. 19.
Hansel & Gretel features local kids at FirstOntario

Hansel & Gretel features local kids at FirstOntario

Preparing for their Hansel & Gretel performances are Hannah Evans, Hannah Baran, Kevin Etherington, Catherine Dubois, Emily Fulton, Julia King and Mariah Rackal.
Yellow Door student earns role in Shaw’s Holiday Inn

Yellow Door student earns role in Shaw’s Holiday Inn

Wren Evans A young actor who has trained with the Yellow Door Theatre project has been given an opportunity to join the Shaw Festival ensemble for Holiday Inn, the Christmas classic which opens this weekend.
Candlelight Stroll, with some changes, is happening this year

Candlelight Stroll, with some changes, is happening this year

Last year, a COVID-restricted candlelight stroll took place, with Lord Mayor Betty Disero, NOTL Chamber president Eduardo Lafforgue (top), Community Health Care Worker Moises Vasquez, (top right), and chamber vice-chair Andrew Niven lighting a candle
Artists recognized as three hydro boxes decorated

Artists recognized as three hydro boxes decorated

Brittany Blyth-Williams' Paint the Town decorates a hydro box on Queen's Parade. (Photos supplied) The voting is over, the committee has chosen, and the awards have been presented but everyone’s a winner.
Bravo Niagara! presents Sultans of Strings’ two albums

Bravo Niagara! presents Sultans of Strings’ two albums

Album producer Chris McKhool (Drew Birston) Their 2020 album Refuge and their brand new follow-up Sanctuary are a one-two punch of musical synergy and collaboration, both focusing on the challenges and opportunities facing the world’s displaced peopl
Brahms Oktoberfest wrap-up begins Thursday

Brahms Oktoberfest wrap-up begins Thursday

The Music Niagara Festival is wrapping up its Brahms Oktoberfest celebration with four consecutive days of online concerts celebrating the German composer.
Retired record executive rose to top in Canada

Retired record executive rose to top in Canada

Niagara-on-the-Lake resident Lindsay Gillespie’s 30-plus year career in the music business saw him brushing shoulders with the who’s who of the Canadian music industry and beyond.