Every Sunday in this space we compile the most widely read stories from the past week.
Three questions about wind machines with Joe Pillitteri
As the colder temperatures set in this week many NOTL Local readers had questions about the use of wind machines, or frost propellers, on area farms. Joy Sanguedolce turned to Joe Pillitteri, owner and operator of Lakeview Vineyard Equipment, for some background on why these have become important tools for NOTL grape growers. It's the first instalment of a new feature here at the Local we are calling Three Questions With....
NOTL residents looking at 13 percent budget increase
Budget talks continue at town council. This week the NOTL Local's Kris Dube reported that council was discussing an operating budget totalling more than $54 million, a nearly 13 percent increase from the municipality’s spending in 2024. If nothing changes in future budget deliberations residents could see a general levy tax increase of nine per cent. Read the story HERE.
Gallery: Icewine Festival wraps up in NOTL
Two weekends of icewine festivites concluded last weekend on Queen Street in NOTL. Saturday night saw the return of the icewine cocktail competiton and a street dance featuring DJ Marinko. Joy Sangeudolce checked it all out and found out what goes into a Honey Badger and a Hug in a Mug. Sound intriguing? Find out more RIGHT HERE.
After a year-long search NOTL still without a CAO
NOTL's interim CAO Bruce Zvaniga came on board Jan. 1, 2024. Believe it or not little progress has been made in the search for his permanent replacement. The town’s CAO recruitment committee - Lord Mayor Gary Zalepa, Couns. Erwin Wiens, Sandra O’Connor, and Maria Mavridis - had its first meeting of 2025 last Wednesday in a closed session. Find out more at THIS LINK.
Learning centre helps Niagara residents with literacy, computer skills and more
Nearly 50 volunteers are involved in varous capacities with the Niagara Regional Learning Centre (NRLC). Located on Bunting Rd. in St. Catharines, the NRLC provides training and tutoring to community members in St. Catharines, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Thorold, Niagara Falls and Welland. Sharon Burns checked out their facility and filed THIS STORY.
Hummel's Niagara Stone Rd. townhomes on hold
A beautiful dry stone wall sits behind a fence on Mississagua St. across from the Old Winery Restaurant. Property owner Rainer Hummel originally planned to build six high-end luxury townhomes there but his plans have changed to include more affordably-priced units. Details in this article by Kris Dube.
Liberal party considering parachuting candidate to run in Niagara Falls
With a provincial election scheduled for Feb. 27 the Ontario Liberal party has yet to select a candidate to fun against the NDP's Wayne Gates and Ruth-Ann Nieuwesteeg of the PC party. Word is that the Liberals may be bringing in a candidate in from the Toronto area to challenge for the seat. Penny Coles looked into the situation in this article.