The pet food shelves at Newark Neighbours are bare except for a small bag of puppy pee pads and a disposable litter tray.
Cindy Grant, food bank manager at Newark Neighbours, said that they could always use pet food and pet supplies. “We do provide pet food and other supplies, but only when it is donated to us,” said Grant. “We don’t stock it on a regular basis.”
Tanya Rice, founder of Community Initiative for Animal Rescue, is aiming to fill those shelves at Newark Neighbours.
Besides the regular needs of food bank customers who have pets, Rice explained that soon Niagara-on-the-Lake will see an increase in newly-born kittens. “Kitten season is soon upon us and rescue groups are going to be inundated with kittens.”
“Most kittens will wean for 6 to 8 weeks, and after that, rescue groups will need a surplus of kitten food.”
Rice’s campaign aims to raise funds to purchase pet food for Newark Neighbours until their shelves are full, then distribute the surplus to other non-profit rescue groups.
Community Initiative for Animal Rescue has teamed up with the Husky Travel Centre to raffle off a Valentines Day basket that is on display at their York Road location. It includes chocolate, wine and wine glasses, a candle, scratch ticket and Valentines Day themed mugs. Tickets are on sale until February 14, and cost $2 each, or three for $5.
Donations can also be made directly to Newark Neighbours or an e-transfer can be sent to [email protected]
On February 14, Rice is holding a pet food drive at her home in Virgil from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Rice said that some community members are choosing to drop ship items directly to their home care of Peter Rice, 456 Line 2 Road, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON, L0S 1J0.
At Newark Neighbours, adult and senior dog food would also be greatly appreciated as well as clumping cat litter, puppy training pads and monetary donations.
“We are very grateful for Tanya’s event and her donation to us,” said Grant.